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Spooky Basket Fundraiser: inspiriting Halloween joy one bag at a time

The LaG EntrepreneuHERship Club had its first fundraiser today! In honor of the spirit of Halloween and the social distancing regulations, we have come up with a plan to inspirit Halloween joy one bag at a time.

People Behind the Event

Joining us today was my new friend Emma, a freshman Instrumental major,

and Talia, one of my best friends and sophomore at Clinton High School.

Together we worked collaboratively selling and promoting our club. Of the profits made, 60% is to be donated to the Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF Fundraiser and the other 40% will go directly to our club’s funding. If you would like to learn more about how you can support UNICEF click this link!

Sandra, Talia, and Emma discussing how to begin selling our treatbags.

Planning Process

Originally, our plan was to sell a small for $5 and a large for $6. This changed when we realized not everyone could afford a bag considering we are still in an economic crisis, thus we decided to sell at whatever the customer could afford/ thought was reasonable.

Experience and Reflection

It was quite a nerve wracking experience, going up to strangers and asking if they want free candy or stickers. What we learned is that you’re not always going to get the benefit of the doubt. There were many instances when someone would immediately shake their head vigorously with utter disapproval, yeah, that hurt. But the good encounters outweigh the bad. I loved seeing the joy on the kids faces when we handed out free stickers and lollipops (served with gloves of course) showering their sweaty, puffing faces for a sweet surprise. All supporters were incredibly kind and generous with their donations, giving as much as they could offer. One notable encounter was from a woman who read our business card and said she loved that it was female-led. Yes! All members of our club are currently female, though we are very accepting of any individual regardless of how they identify to join. Our mission at LaG EntrepreneuHERship is to foster students at LaGuardia to learn and create their own business, while helping to bridge the gap in this male-dominated industry. It is important to acknowledge and educate young girls of not only the gender gap, but the importance of financial literacy at a young age. We’re here for it, so join us! Applications can be found in our Instagram bio and under the “Join Us” tab!


Now for the moment you all are waiting for! In total we raised... get ready... $121! Calculating our efforts, we made $103.58 profit, with $62 going to help children in poverty while the rest are to be saved for our club development! Development means funding for our student-led ventures, getting supplies for more future fundraisers like this, and to plan out future giveaways and competitions!

Future Plans

The fun does not end today. We have exciting events planned for the upcoming weeks and can’t wait to continue helping out the community while building bonds.

And guess what! Today we met two donors with connections/ relatives to LaGuardia graduates! It was great to see how wide our school’s network can go. Go LaG!

Side Note: all recommended protective gear was used in the organizing and distributing of the bags. Emma, Talia, and I put gloves on, as well as masks (with the exception of me and my Einstein goggles). When preparing for selling, all candy and stickers were packaged securely.

Lastly, a big thank you to Chloe (our club’s secretary) for providing the supplies needed for our fundraiser today! And of course, shout out to Emma and Talia for their bravery and hard work today. If any supporters happen to be reading this, thank you for your generous donations and feedback.

Happy Halloween!

(photographs were taken by the parents of Emma and Sandra)

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